Things will never go back to how they use to be
We cannot change the past. Let go. You still in His wonderful plan. Move on. You are precious.
"When its come to life, things will change. You will change. That's what happen, people change. Friendship can change, unless you can changed with them. But don't blame it on your self cause that's part of life. You're changing. Things will change. You cant mad at that, just accepted it and move on. Enjoy the fun moment together, don't dwell on the past." - Michelle Phan
Much love,
Dear John
It's been a while since i posted about my weekend movie. Last night I watch this movie, Dear John. I know it's kind of 4 years late. But better late than never, right? Goshh Mr. Tatum looks bloody handsome here. I love this movie, I love the story, the fact wherever you go, true love will find you in the end. No matter what you've been through. And the story between he and his dad was tears me apart. I will love my dad more and cherish every moment I have with him. And to watch all of my words to people because it can stuck in their head for years. Even that can ruin their lives. I still wait for my one true love. I believe there's someone out there that God has prepared just for me and everything will be beautiful in His time. I don't want to regret all years I've been wasted. But to trust in Him.
Have a marvelous weekend,
Much love,
Green Smoothies
Belakangan ini aku lagi mencoba untuk sarapan dengan green smoothie, campuran sayur & buah2an. Biasanya setiap pagi aku membiasakan diri minum perasan setengah dari buah lemon yang di campur ke air hangat (kira2 baru 2 minggu ini sih hehe).. tapi sekarang lagi pengen rajin untuk buat green smoothies. Smoothies yang sering aku buat yaitu campuran dari pakcoy, pisang ambon & juice lemon atau nanas. Tanpa tambahan gula atau susu. Cukup tambahkan air dan es batu. Rasanya enak dan yang pasti sehat karena ini raw food alias mentah. Dan yang pasti setelah minum green smoothie ini BAB lancar :DDD. Resep2 untuk bikin green smoothies ini sudah banyak di mana2, tinggal google or coba search pakai #indonesiamakansayur or #greensmoothies di instagram. Sayur2nya bisa di ganti2 sesuai selera, bisa pakai kale, lettuce, spinach, caisim dsb. Begitu juga dengan buah2annya. Bisa pakai apel, buah naga, strawberry, blueberry, dsb. Optional tambahan seperti flax seed, chia seed, cinnamon, jahe, dll. Dijamin green smoothies kamu lebih enak & kaya akan vitamin & serat. Ayo pelan2 mulai ganti gaya hidupmu dengan yang lebih sehat!
Much love,
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